Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Paintings for Benjamin

When one of my bestest friends told me she was pregnant, I wanted to do something special for the baby. I decided I would do a painting or several paintings for the baby's room. At first I was thinking about painting three 8x10 paintings of baby animals with an African theme. I was researching how I could draw a lion when I stumbled across some Lion King pictures and I got the idea in my head to paint a bigger picture instead of three small ones. I decided to do three paintings to pull it all together. I think the big picture is done on an 11x14 canvas (not 100% sure) and the two small ones are 8x10.

These paintings were for fun and were only completed to be given away as a gift. I have found painting characters has been good practice at mixing colors doing some shading. I plan on painting a couple more characters for a couple special four year old little girls and then I will be venturing back into more scenic and original work.

I printed the pictures out to match the size of the canvas.

I used a regular lamp to do my best to trace the image onto the canvas as I am not a very good drawer! lol

All three pictures traced onto the canvas.

Now it is time to add color!

And finally all finished!!

 Here they are hanging on little Benjamin Luke's bedroom wall!
 I hope he will treasure them forever!